Thursday, September 23, 2010

You Don't Know About Pastries.

"How's your turnover?" I asked the 4 year old as he licked the apple turnover goop off of the styrofoam tray.

"This isn't a turnover, it's a pastry."

"Did you know that a turnover is a pastry?" I replied.

"No it isn't."

"Then what is a pastry?"

"Well you see, a pastry is a pastry."

"But a turnover is a pastry, just like a tart is a pastry. Remember that raspberry and blueberry tart I made earlier in the summer? That was a pastry, just like your apple turnover."

"No. You don't know about pastries; I'm the only one in this town who knows about pastries."

As I chortled under my breath I asked, "What is a tart then?"

"What a tart is, is sort of like a turnover."

"Oh, I see, but you do know that those are all just types of pastries?"

"Uhhh-arrrgh. You don't know about pastries," he groaned.

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