Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Bits and Pieces

Oh how I wait right now!  Day by day by day, waiting.  I keep cleaning out the sink, picking up the laundry, organizing this or that, making a pot of something thinking, "Now we'll have a clean sink for the baby's arrival.  Now the laundry will all be behind us when the baby arrives.  At last that project is finished in preparation for the baby.  Delicious food to have on hand for anyone whose hungry."  But alas no baby!

As my left rib gets prodded more and more by someone's left foot, and that butt sticks out around my navel a bit more prominently every day and my belly continues to sag lower and lower beneath the weight, I consider those days in bed after.  Those glorious quiet, excited, cozy days.  Days of learning to breastfeed all over again, re-hydrating, moving shakily for each bathroom trip, endless phone calls.  Napping day and night, snuggling my sweet loves 1, 2 & 3.  Being able to hold both Rafi and Cecilia close once again without the burden of pillows supporting my rounded shape.

I imagine how swiftly that first week will fly, all the meals that will come, all the smiling eyes I'll greet in my bedroom.  The sweet tears of bliss that will be shed.  Hands to hold, bundles to share, all eyes in adoration for the sweet little star who has finally come to meet us all.  So much more will be known my littlest one once you have collected all you need from my womb.  And I know this is a waiting that is unavoidable, requiring a patience I have within me, oh, but do come soon my dear one, your Mama wants to meet you!

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