Thursday, May 30, 2013

lower central incisors

Mr. Gabe is but 3+ months old, and he has broken a tooth.  Front, bottom, on his left, the little sharp ridges of a first tooth.  It feels tremendously too soon for my little drool factory to be achieving such milestones.  But here we are, baby's first tooth.

This is a reminder, the time goes so fast.  These moments fly past us.  They change rapidly.  The extreme dependence turns to fierce independence in the blink of an eye.  Sometimes you have to be so very quiet so you don't miss their moments.  So you're right there with them as they grab their hands, as they put on their shoes, as they call and cry for you.  These little ones, they're amazing.

So there you have it.  Baby's first tooth.


  1. Sweet Gabe and Cecilia. They are getting so big. Thank God you recognize that and cherish every moment!!
