Ok, sit back. Sit up straight, engage your core, allow your stomach to hold your vertebrae. Breath. Breath again, adjust your hips, extend your ribcage, engage your stomach again, square out your shoulders. Allow them to drop, to recede, to balance. Slowly breathe and raise your shoulders straight up, allow them to come straight down. Again. Again. Breathe. Hold your heart open, slowly lean to the side, allowing your ribcage to stretch while you drop your opposite shoulder, and the other side, good. Now square your shoulders again, breathe.
Twist your torso, keep your shoulders level, turn your head, drop your arm, engage your abdomen, keep that heart center open and out. Now the other side, good. How's your back feeling? Tight? Allow it to rest, be concave, breathe, engage those abs again, open heart, open shoulders, even shoulders, breathe. Now twist again, breathing, allow your arms to be free, to follow your body. Allow your back to be strong and soft. Back to center, now rotate the other direction. Strong and soft. Gentle and rigid. Allow your body to be a duality. Allow your body to breathe into the tension and release. Now exhale and gently wiggle it all out. Breathe in, stand tall and straight, move forward.
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