Tuesday, July 24, 2012

brooklyn, my brooklyn (& other loves)

Beauty and dirt everywhere you look.  The labor of walking on concrete.  The luxury of anything you'd like at arm's reach.  Something happening for every sense; taste, sound, olfactory, visions and touch.  Busy, busy, busy at every moment, however for me, for this Mama all alone in a big old city there was peace and quiet found.  I felt independence with an ability to indulge any whim at any turn.  Pop into that shop, leave quickly, walk in for a falafel, some dumplings, a latte.  In and out, around and around, though out my days.  Evenings spent holding close to dear old friends, telling stories of change, consistency and delight in our lives.  Several glorious days spent alone, my solo romp in the city.

I did of course spend some glorious time with some glorious ladies on the much anticipated pizza tour!  What fun to indulge ourselves in slice after slice up and down Bleeker Street.  From traditional cheese slice, to sicilian, to fancy schmanzy "pizza al taglio," or "pizza by the cut."  Super fun to giggle along through all the different crusts and cheeses and sauces.

And then the wedding!  Oh what a fun wedding it was!  To say we danced does no justice to what we did.  We sat all around 1 table, 8 old friends from college celebrating love.  Sending deep blessings to our friends Laura & Greg as they committed to each other as partners.  The father daughter dance!  The mother son dance!  Tear jerkers!  The joy of being all together, of dancing all together, of us all coming together from our separate homes and laughing as a group once again is such a delight.  Weddings are not to be missed, can't wait til the next one!

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