Friday, July 13, 2012

At Sunrise.

The quiet middle of the nights spent at home, with a  loved one each in a bed of their own and me daydreaming and researching, planning and scheming about an upcoming trip to an old home. 

The girl now has her "own room" which she will proudly declare to you over and over and over again.  Getting her to fall asleep in her own room is now a challenge unto itself, she expects a certain Daddy to sleep with her.  I've noticed sweet Ramona cat guarding one edge of the bed with a nightlight glow around them.  This is a transition that we're trying out, to see if our big kid, who poops on the potty, speaks full sentences and eats a pound of meat at a time can handle, sleeping on her own in her own room.  I'm pretty proud of her seeing her in that big bed all by herself, with books all around, a milestone to be had.

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