Wednesday, November 30, 2011

From Where I Sit.

There is a pile of Cow Manure the size of a vehicle in my driveway, a wedding present from friends.

I feel excited to spread the manure into future vegetable/hop/grape/flower beds all around the yard.

Feeling glad it's aged a year otherwise between that and the roosters this year we might not be the best neighbors.

Feeling conscious of protecting my back while shoveling all of that manure.

I am happy that there are meringues cooking in the oven.

I'm even more pleased that Miss Ce. helped me bake them.

Am already missing Raf and Cecilia/looking forward to my solitude/knowing that it will happen too quickly.

Scared/eager to turn the heal of that sock!

Glad to have a blog to tell you all about it and am thankful that you're reading!

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