Main event: Cecilia sitting on "Dadgee's" lap. Cecilia running up to Rafi's office. Cecilia calling out for her Puppa. Cecilia so happy to be reunited with her Puppa. I was surprised at how much more attached she is to him now then the previous times we've been away from him. She really missed him, and is really reattaching herself to him. I'd even say she's having a bit of anxiety around separating from him.
It's extremely sweet to see the two of them so mightily attached to one another, especially after coming off of the first 14 months where she was literally attached to my breast. I remember Raf feeling so cast aside by her actions of preferring her mother, and now the playing field has changed... reversed even! It's much more likely to be Rafi that she calls out for at night, goes to for comfort and cuddles. It is so sweetly wonderful to watch my daughter and husband have so much love for one another! I'm blessed over and over again!
Oh, to behold the bond shared between a little girl and her papa! That has been one of my greatest gifts of motherhood. Nothing beats that :)