I found myself washing the dishes this morning, and singing my daughter a song: "When you haven't washed the dishes for the better part of a week! It takes awhile to wash the dishes!" There were other verses to this song, but as I was scrubbing the heck out of the built up layers of grime on the exterior of our beloved popcorn popper I was able to consider the satisfaction of scrubbing the layers. We all get that way, you clean out your junk drawer or clean a cupboard or wash a neglected corner of your home, perhaps you balance your checkbook or pay your bills. And there's a sigh of relief. No matter which cupboard or box of papers or corner of your garage is in need of attention there's the empowering feeling of knowing you may get to all of the corners someday.
You'll clean your refrigerator, you'll wash your woolens, you'll do your filing. And the chaos will subside, if only for a moment you will have piece and the feeling of calm. Perhaps no one else will ever notice the hour you spent, but your brain will have one less thing to check off the mental to-do list. You feel that much safer in your home and head. That much calmer.
To a week of peaceful reconciliation of the mid-winter checklist!
We (me, Ce, and the WhirleyPop) thank you!